Cincinnati Automation solved a problem for a low volume seal and o-ring manufacturing company. This company had several different manufacturing lines they wanted to start automating their inspection process for, but only had the budget for one machine. Cincinnati Automation was able to develop a solution, based on their standard seal and o-ring inspection machines to solve this challenging issue.
Seal and O-ring manufacturing is a common industry for Cincinnati Automation to work with, however the typical customer is building so many of one specific product that the machine is placed, stationary, at the end of the production line. However, for this application, the volume of products produced was low enough such that a machine for each line would not be feasible. Cincinnati Automation was able to take the general practices behind the standard seal and o-ring inspection machines and incorporate those into the standard pass through inspection cabinet typically used in other industries. This cabinet was built with quick disconnects and on casters with easily adjustable and interchangeable inspection programs. The customer will be installing in on different production lines depending on the product being produced and then they will disconnect it and roll it over to another line for a different inspection.
If you have a seal or o-ring application you need looked at, or any other type of mobile inspection system you would like developed, contact us at 859-371-5070 or